ultrasonic sieving machine for metal powder

Tuesday February-07 2023  09:37:26

Metal powder refers to a group of metal particles whose size is less than 1mm. Including single metal powder, alloy powder and some refractory compound powder with metal properties, it is the main raw material of powder metallurgy. Metal powder is divided into five grades: coarse powder, medium powder, fine powder, fine powder and ultrafine powder.

Screening material: metal powder

Screening mesh: 300 mesh, 400 mesh

Screening output: 1 ton/hour

Equipment used: DHC-800 ultrasonic sieving machine (two floors)

Metal powder is a loose material, light in weight, sticky, and easy to agglomerate. The selection of ultrasonic sieving machine can solve the sieving problems of easy agglomeration, strong viscosity, high static electricity, and ultrafine powder.

A metal 3D printing processing factory in Hebei purchased a DHC-800 ultrasonic sieving machine from Dahan Machinery for metal powder sieving. The following is the scene picture of the customer's use.


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